New ZP21-WB/LC controller for water-baths and designer ovens/incubators

$845+gst with 12 months warranty!

You can now upgrade your faulty ZP19 for a ZP20 with the heavy-duty pcb header+connector

complete with 12 months warranty!

ZP19 pcb

We now refurbish all ZP20 & ZP21 pcb’s

We refurbish faulty ZP20’s pcb’s for – $745+gst

+12 months warranty

We refurbish faulty ZP21’s pcb’s for – $745+gst 

+12 months warranty!

ZP13 pcb’s refurbished & tested – $450+gst

NB.  Removal & installation of all Contherm controller pcb’s must be performed by qualified Technicians or Electricians

click here for other Contherm ZP controller repairs